Mid-Year Check In

Hey dear reader,

I hope you are well and enjoying the weather wherever you are?

This month’s blog post… Hmm…

Let me honest, I don’t even know where to start but to first give God praise. Will you join me in that for a wee moment?

He’s been so kind, so faithful, forever loving and a true rock. Sometimes when we read things we kind of skim over them a bit, not on purpose but more so out of habit by assuming what has been written. So let me re-write that so you and I can both really grab this truth: He’s been so kind, so faithful, forever loving and a true rock.

It doesn’t take a mid-year check in to do that. In fact, I’ve been quite reflective consistently as time has progressed. Whether it be through painting, alone time with God in the morning or at night, journalling opportunities on the train or at church and through conversations with work colleagues, family and my nearest and dearest friends. Somehow, I’ve always found my way back to the art of processing things.

You’ll have to forgive me for not being as willing to open up to the depths of these last six months, particularly as you already know me to be quite an open person with my life. But just thank God with me that I CAN thank God because it has been quite a journey. A journey of sorrow and grief, weariness and heart ache, new life and joy, gladness and peace.

I am so grateful because, like with every situation, God never ceases to show His God-ness. Through His character and immense attributes, He has been a comfort blanket in my most loneliest times and a bedrock of truth in the most stormiest of times.

Overall, it has been good. Just so good. Time has been well spent. And I’m still eternally grateful I get to spend each day with Him.


What I’ve been up to:

Technicianing (a word I gladly just created)




Planning and



What I see happening in the next six months:

Enjoying a long and well needed six weeks break

My best friend is moving back to London (whoop whoop!)

Seeing Sean C Johnson, woi!

Volunteering at church during the summer

My birthday exhibition… *insert beady, staring eyes here*

Enriching trip to Ghana


I’m looking forward to doing the rest of the year. I’m looking forward to being present in every situation as I have tried to do thus far. It’s such an important attribute to living. If we coast – we miss it. We miss what God is saying and doing, what He’s working in us and through us.

I’ll leave you with this, a message I wrote in the early hours of July 1st. Hopefully it’s a thought you and I can take through right till the end of the year…

Processed with VSCO with g3 preset


~ G


2 thoughts on “Mid-Year Check In

  1. “He’s been so kind, so faithful, forever loving and a true rock.” < So true. Often we do skim things like this.
    a habit which we need to break.
    " A journey of sorrow and grief, weariness and heart ache, new life and joy, gladness and peace." << and in all this God is still good. (all the timeeee lol)

    Stay blessed, sister. A nice write-up. #Reflective


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